Harvest Fest Flower Winners Announced

Harvest Fest Flower Winners Announced

Harvest Fest Flower Winners Announced
Posted on January 09, 2023.

On November 5, flower from McPike Farms, Grateful Valley Farm, G-Flower, and Little Stormy’s Gardens swept the competition at the first annual FLX Harvest Fest in Canandaigua. “We invited New York cultivators, both indoor and outdoor, to bring 3 ounces of herb to give away – no sales,” explained Zach Sarkis of FLWR CITY COLLECTIVE, the event’s organizer. “Festivalgoers graded about 20 different strains in a double-blind evaluation of how they looked, smelled, tasted and felt when smoked.”

The first-place winner – Skittlez by McPike Farms – received early entry into the 2023 statewide FLWR CITY CUP.

More than 600 people attended the harvest celebration at Lincoln Hill Farms in Canandaigua. In addition to flower grading, it featured live music, tastings, and vendors with cannabis-related products.

See the full story in the upcoming issue of FLX420 magazine.

First Place Overall
Skittlez by McPike Farms

Second Place
Garlic Butter by Grateful Valley Farm

Third Place
Mimosa by G-Flower

Best “look”

  1. Garlic Butter by Grateful Valley
  2. Skittlez by McPike Farms
  3. GG #4 by Little Stormy’s Gardens

Best smell

  1. Skittlez by McPike Farms
  2. Apple Blossom by Grateful Valley Farm
  3. Mimosa by G-Flower

Best taste

  1. Skittlez by McPike Farms
  2. Garlic Butter by Grateful Valley Farms
  3. Apple Blossom by Grateful Valley Farms

Best vibe

  1. Skittlez by McPike Farms
  2. Mimosa by G-Flower
  3. Garlic Butter by Grateful Valley Farms

Source: FLX420 

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